James Adam by James Adam

Kalv Goes West

It’s been quiet here on the blog, which means that we’re busy, for better or for worse. Regardless, it would be remiss not to take note of a small amount of shuffling on the deck of the Good Ship Go Free Range.

Our colleague and friend Kalv is leaving us. In September he’ll be emigrating to the fresh, untilled soils of British Columbia.

Kalv has been a key member of our company right from the start. We’re going to miss his business acumen and his drive & determination. His user-driven focus has been invaluable in a company composed entirely of technical people. We’ve learned a lot from him, and our loss is now Canada’s gain.

We’re sad to see him go, but it’s going to be the start of a great adventure for Kalv and his family; we can’t wait to hear all aboot it.

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
