James Mead by James Mead

Week 260

Last week we emerged blinking into the bright new world of 2014. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.

Over the break, I managed to fit in a fair bit of work on Mocha which was good. Since then we’ve been back at FutureLearn getting back up to speed after too many mince pies. It’s been interesting to learn about what plans are afoot for the project and we spent Tuesday morning finishing up an exercise left over from the away day we had at the end of last year.

On Wednesday we had a day at GFRHQ where we spent quite a while dealing with an offer from someone wanting to takeover the lease - all good news, but very time-consuming. We also caught up with Tom Stuart and Rob Chatley which was very pleasant. Rob is organising the The First International Conference on Software Archaeology at the end of the month which we’re looking forward to attending.

The week didn’t end so well - on Thursday I had a nightmare journey back to Oxford, because of flooding - and then on Friday there was a leak in the office upstairs from ours and Chris had to go and mop up all the water. Let’s hope this coming week doesn’t involve quite so much unwelcome water.

– James

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